Friday, August 10, 2018

Watercolor or Bust

Been trying some new techniques lately.  Marco "Taro" Holmes, who is an amazingly talented watercolor artist has this "wet in dry" technique (wet brush on dry paper, as opposed to wet in wet, where you wet the paper first).  I am constantly in awe of his work.  The technique allows for strong lines, but also beautiful washes that can be built upon each other, taking advantage of the transparent nature of watercolors.

I have tried and failed at it several times.  But with this effort, I think I am beginning to understand what he is teaching.  Below is probably the most watercolor-y painting that I have ever done (based on a google image of a greek statue bust).

                                          Watercolor on 140 lbs paper 9x12

Only used three colors for this, some the newly acquired Daniel Smith watercolor paints: Mayan Dark Blue, Shadow Violet, and Venetian Red.

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